You don‘t have time to read through endless volumes of history books, you want to be a historic know-it-all now! Heritage Bytes explores the history, heritage, and culture, of Canada‘s 6th largest city. Each episode gives you a byte sized slice of the history of Mississauga from the beginnings over 10,000 years ago through milestones in history such as the War of 1812, the World Wars, and the development of a city through the amalgamation of lost villages. We look at the historic people, places, and events, that define our city today, including peering into the Darker Side of our history. Join us as we explore the historic connections to Mississauga and each other.
Friday Oct 25, 2024
Sauga 50-for-50: Who MURDERED Malton's Noah Eaton?!
Friday Oct 25, 2024
Friday Oct 25, 2024
The hunt is on for the killer of Noah Eaton, who has been found dead in his home in Malton, slain by his own axe laying beside the body. Villagers are appalled that something like this could happen in Malton and are appealing to influential people in their community for something to be done. Testimony from local John Lundy pushes locals to suspect the shady James Hamilton of the crime. One of Malton’s earliest and most influential settler families, the Moores, are attempting to piece together what happened with the help of others in the community, some of which are more helpful than others.
In this village of equal parts gossip and moral propriety, not everything is as it seems. Will justice be served? Will the murderer be found? Only those brave enough to journey into the Darker Side of Historic Mississauga will discover the truth.
We would like to thank the Ontario Trillium Foundation Resilient Communities Fund for their support which allows us to reimagine programs such as Haunted Mississauga.
Producers -- Justine Lyn and Matthew Wilkinson
Director -- Bryan Ho
Story -- Justine Lyn
SPIRIT TEAM (Order of Appearance):
Hope Wickett -- Voiceover
Charlotte Wilkinson -- Rachel Moore
Greg Carraro -- Lieutenant-Colonel Edward W. Thomson
Justine Lyn -- Voiceover
Nicole Mair -- Helen Nicol McCraw
Rebecca Rusk -- Mary Ann Moore
Amy Wilkinson -- Mary Digins
Robert Stanczyk -- Dr. Charles Moore
Scott Foster -- John Lundy
Fran Murphy -- Ann Hamilton
Denise Mahoney -- Mary Ann McBurney
Richard Collins -- James Hamilton
Leonard Lyn -- Reverend Andrew Bell
Joe Zammit -- John Burgess
Lindsay Doren -- Sarah Ann Rowlands
To stay up to date with Mississauga's 50th Anniversary celebrations, follow Heritage Mississauga on social media @heritagemississauga and also follow #Sauga50for50 to stay up to date with new upcoming podcast episodes.
Cojonudo by Esteban Maxera Cuarteto