You don‘t have time to read through endless volumes of history books, you want to be a historic know-it-all now! Heritage Bytes explores the history, heritage, and culture, of Canada‘s 6th largest city. Each episode gives you a byte sized slice of the history of Mississauga from the beginnings over 10,000 years ago through milestones in history such as the War of 1812, the World Wars, and the development of a city through the amalgamation of lost villages. We look at the historic people, places, and events, that define our city today, including peering into the Darker Side of our history. Join us as we explore the historic connections to Mississauga and each other.
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Join Kim Wheatley, Anishinaabe Cultural Consultant, in honoring the process of ancestral harvesting practices through images, stories and traditional teachings based on Anishinaabe Ways of Knowing. She will share experiences based on the 1 year immersion project she has created and is currently immersed within while expanding on relationships to the lands and waters she calls home!
Traditional Anishinaabe Grandmother Kim Wheatley is Turtle and Bear Clan from Shawanaga First Nation Reserve who carries the Spirit Name Shkoden Neegaan Waawaaskonen (Head or Leader of the Fireflower). She is a multi award winning speaker and published author who has presented locally, nationally and internationally, while also having appeared on television, radio, in books and in many news articles.
Kim currently provides Indigenous consultations, continues to organize events, writes for a local newspaper and is working on a new book.
We acknowledge that the land on which we meet today is part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit.
We recognize the importance of this land and pay our respects to the Anishinaabe and other First Nations, Métis and Inuit past, present and future.
Heritage Mississauga would like to thank The Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund for their financial support to help us bring Indigenous Conversations to a wider community through this webinar series.