You don‘t have time to read through endless volumes of history books, you want to be a historic know-it-all now! Heritage Bytes explores the history, heritage, and culture, of Canada‘s 6th largest city. Each episode gives you a byte sized slice of the history of Mississauga from the beginnings over 10,000 years ago through milestones in history such as the War of 1812, the World Wars, and the development of a city through the amalgamation of lost villages. We look at the historic people, places, and events, that define our city today, including peering into the Darker Side of our history. Join us as we explore the historic connections to Mississauga and each other.
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
2051: Planning for Mississauga’s Future with Ben Phillips
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Thursday Oct 06, 2022
Heritage Mississauga invites you to join us for our final webinar in our 2022 Placemaking Webinar Series: "2051: Planning for Mississauga's Future" with Ben Phillips.
Mississauga’s Official Plan is the city’s road map for the future. It lays out where housing, industry, offices, shops, rapid transit and roads should go. It determines what parts of the city will be the focus of growth and provides policies on culture, heritage, the environment, urban design, transportation and the economy. Every 10 years this Plan needs to be refreshed to make sure it reflects the changing needs, opportunities and aspirations of our city. This review is happening right now.
This presentation will give an overview of proposed new policies that will help shape our city over the next 30 years. Ben Phillips is the Manager of the City of Mississauga’s Official Plan and Zoning Services team. One of the team’s key projects is the Official Plan Review, which began in 2019.
Prior to his current role, Ben led the processing and project management of a number of significant development applications at the City as a Planner, including the 72-acre Brightwater community on Mississauga’s waterfront. Before joining the City, Ben worked for planning consulting firms in Vaughan, Ontario.
Heritage Mississauga would like to thank The Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund for their financial support to help us bring a sense of place to a wider audience with this webinar series.